Web Site Remodel

Welcome to my remodeled web site. Leaner. Some things are in different place. Some things aren't here any longer. That's the way it goes. Check it out. I'll be migrating/adding more articles and other items as the calendar moves across the sky.

Thoughts and Observations

How To Survive The Suicide Lane
Cultural observations and hopefully helpful tips from an ex-pat
The First Goodbye
How I started my wandering years through North America
The Illusion of Depth
When a human being explores the depths of their understanding and attempts to probe deeper to find previously unrealized realizations
The Idolization of Military Service
There’s nothing romantic nor particularly noble about serving in the military
Life On The Outside
Been an outsider my whole life. See no reason why that's going to change now - or why I'd want it to for that matter
The Walking Woken
The walking woken among us, like zombies but with pretty faces
The Other Idiocy of Censorship
Not the primary part where certain things are considered offensive in the first place, but the secondary aspect in which we think a small substitution will change the perception or the result
Every Man Is An Island
These days it seems there’s a thousand-fold bout of suffering
Our Reaction To Tragedy
In the years since 9/11, there's been very little put forth about why the US was so hated as to provoke the attack
Workshops and Critics
We are all our own best critic. We know what we want to say and how we want to say it
Choo Choo The Faceboot Train
Fecebook is like high school. Within the circle of your acquaintances, there’s a small group of top cool kids
Embrace Your Poetic Perplexity
It’s not necessary to understand a poem in order to enjoy it
Insert Poet, Ruin Poetry
When the poet intrudes into the writing, the reader is cheated or perhaps even affronted
Sick of Sickness
I have seen the most promising poets of my generation convert their belief into audience approval

Thoughts and Observations

Thoughts and Observations