Web Site Remodel

Welcome to my remodeled web site. Leaner. Some things are in different place. Some things aren't here any longer. That's the way it goes. Check it out. I'll be migrating/adding more articles and other items as the calendar moves across the sky.


Hairpin Curve
The night he drives off the road he’s drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels...
The Curious Residual Wisdom of Theodore Walsh
Next thing we knew, a tree fell on our path and we were forced to admit that tomorrow doesn’t have a dynasty
The firing squad took aim from the shoulder of their duty and shuddered as one breath in the autumn morning
The River Wide and Steady
And the clouds, though expectant, withhold their blessing
Armchairs of the Swollen Sky
Our scars healed, our burnings cured, we returned to the land where we had started...
How Clouds Became His Cradle
Have you no friends? asked William and the old man said no. Have you?
The Silent Sons of Propaganda
He had learned at an early age to accept the offered truth
The Recognizable Sky
It was a bill of goods without a payday and we left body parts and goodness face down in a monsoon of muddy fields
Goodbye Rudy For Ships
A discarded man knows how to stagger through parks and weave around pedestrians who got their loved ones back when the war finally busted
All Our False Faces
My hand pointed north but not because I knew it was true. A question.
The Beautiful Lopsided Eyes of Trigger Guards
Learned a long time ago that people want to hear what they want to hear
Social Progress at the Bus Stop
Every morning, Indians. As I wait for the bus, a coffee in my hand, Indians...
Day of The Bombing
He thought to tell a cop but he knew it was too late to save shattered victims they would deadlift from the rubble
Destructive Effects of Irrational Beliefs on a Mother’s Spine
Enrique sat in his armchair and pondered his latest blunder
Life and Death of Ernest Hemingway
A guy seriously wounded in the war. A man with four wives and two plane crashes to drink to.
A World of No White Paint
Never a letter, but he had to clean out the junk every damn day
None of This Makes Sense
It didn’t make sense. The man came home like so many come home.
The City of Open Air Asylums
Nothing existed before his blindness. The past too was sightless.
Terminal Los Angeles
Night. He pushed the old car hard for the shipyards. Missed an onramp out of San Fernando, dropped onto the streets of Van Nuys. Rushed when he could down the carchoked boulevard. At stops...
Inside The Hall of Senators
Inside The Hall of Senators
A Strong Path Of Roses And Rocks
A bell in the distance is always a bell and not yet a death knell as you grasp brambles and branches...
Duty To Conceive
A couple receives a letter that changes their life
The Passages of War and Sickness
It wasn't always like this. Before the world rolled the clouds across the sky faster and made clocks our masters, we rode from one end of our neighborhood to another on bicycles, playing the pedals like drums.
Far Birds Above The Avenue of Saints
On this street James and Julie and I are in the rain, our cardboard roof tapping the same slow hymn I remember from when I was a simple victim of family pain
Baz Tries Crime First Time
The bell above the door sounds and Baz Osborne, tall with 19 short years of life enters. He carries a gun.
Final Arrival
When I got off the plane in Astrakhan, the airport terminal was completely deserted. It was about 1:00 a.m. and I had expected few people...
Secret Watchers of Other Lives
At night, as Hector moved from building to building, window to window, to observe unfolding secrets of ordinary people that hid behind their curtain cracks, he always encountered a peculiar sensation.
Kill The Man or Kill The Messenger
Caleb was twelve years old. Sometimes on a cool night he stuffed leaves in his pants. Mornings, he cleaned his teeth with fingers in the creek after father unlocked the chains.
Once upon a time there was a man with a wife and a lovely daughter, about nine years old. They all liked to go shopping.
The Crying Girl
The house is large with a hundred halls. The girl that cries is never still for long, moves from room to room, from nook to cranny.
Mid Afternoon Crime in Allegory City
Man walks in, sees a body, steps over it, grabs a bottle of water from the cooler, steps behind the counter, dials the phone.